Chris Spielman was born on October
11, 1965 at Canton, Ohio. He graduated from Massillon, Washington. He is an
American football player. He is currently working as an analyst for ESPN’s
coverage of college football games. He was a highly ambitious football player
who wanted to make it big in football and be acclaimed as a world’s best
player. He spent days and nights practicing football, in order to achieve this.
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Chris was married to his loving wife Stefanie Spielman and they had 4 children, 3 girls and a boy from their marriage. They were a typical happy family who had good times together, until one day the news of his wife made the happy family turn upside down. It all started when Stefanie was 30 years old and was taken to a hospital with a lump in her breast. Following the investigations it was found that the tumor was malignant which is termed cancer. This upset Chris and his children very much. Chris was totally shattered but together, he wanted to fight against the deadly disease and was always by her side for all the support and help needed.
He was a very caring husband and a very loving father as well. Throughout his football career there was no news about him in an alleged affair of a girlfriend, which could lead to a divorce. Below is an example to show how much Chris loved Stefanie, during the course of her illness as a sign of cancer her hair started falling off and she went bald. Chris too shaved his hair off his head to be with his wife and comfort her. It was one good sign of a good relationship, where he went out of his way to show his concern and love. Every time, the symptoms appeared in spite of the treatment, Chris fought it with Stefanie and was always by her side. Together, they even promoted breast cancer across and helped people coping with cancer. Chris even gave up his trainings in football and realized the importance of family more than anything else and he put it in the first priority to be present always with Stefanie and family. The children had a tough time coming to terms with the disease their mother had. Even though she fought four times against the disease, the fifth time, she succumbed to cancer on 19th November, 2009.
Chris stated in an interview that he and his children could move on after the void and loss of Stefanie in their lives by the religion and faith he had. They believed that Stefanie was in a place where she no longer had to bear the pain which had tormented her all these years. This gave them comfort that she was in heaven, with no pain. The story of Chris is an inspiration to all those who place their priorities right. His oldest daughter Madison was 15 years old when she lost her mother and she penned down all that she went through during the course of her mother’s illness. She stated that, she had never seen such unconditional love as her parents had and it will always remain in her mind. Chris and Stefanie had written a book together during her fight against cancer and included the bit of what their daughter Madison had written about them.
Last Modified: Apr 8, 2020
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