Charles Krauthammer is American and he won the Pultzer
Prize for a syndicated columnist. He is a political commentator, author and a
physician. His column had been syndicated
to 400 newspapers in the entire world.
He is the contributing editor for the weekly standards and the nightly
panelist for Special Reports with Bret Baier for the Fox News. He was a weekly
panelist for the PBS news program and for the Inside Washington since 1990
until the time it stopped in 2013.
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Charles Krauthammer was born in the city of New York but after sometime, the family moved to the Montreal and he was raised there. He talks with a French accent and he talks with his mother French. His father was from France and he spent most of his childhood in France until the decided to go to United States. His father liked the lifestyle of Montreal and he decided to live there when Charles was only 5 years. Since his parents were orthodox, he received Jewish education. He was raised in the Jewish believes and connected with children of Jewish background.
While he was still young, he went to McGill University and he graduated with the first class honors in economics and political science. He did medical science for three years and he was a chief resident in the psychiatry in the Massachusetts General Hospital. In the year 1978, he quitted his practice and went to Washington where he was in charge of directing planning in the psychiatric research under Carter administration. She started to contribute some of his writing to The New Republican. In the year that followed, Charles Krauthammer joined the New Republic as editor and writer. He has written an essay for the Time Magazines and it gave him a national acclaim. He was voted as one of the top 50 influential journalists in the national press corp. There were some rumors that he was fired from the Times Magazines but the rumors were found to be lies.
When he was 22 years old, Charles Krauthammer got involved into a bad accident while swimming in a pool and this made him paralyzed. When he was diving, he hurt his head on the bottom of the pool and this injured the cervical vertebrae and the spinal and this led to disability. From that time, he uses a wheelchair. He said that the accident changed his life completely and there were already two books on the side of a pool about the medicine and when the accident took place, he understood very well what was going on.
In the year 1974, Charles Krauthammer got married to his wife Robyn and she is an artist from Australia. They got a son together and there is nothing such as divorce or extra marital affairs talked in their relationship.
Charles Krauthammer’s biography is full of praises about his job and he got a huge salary which made him to be worth 8 million dollars. He is bold and confident while talking. He has made a huge contribution in the health, science, religion, foreign policies and journalism.
Last Modified: Apr 8, 2020
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