Wayne Dyer is a renowned author and also a speaker in the
Field of the self-development with spiritual growth. He is the author of over
40 books and they include 20 best sellers. He did create different audio and
video programs while he had appeared in thousands of the radio shows and
thousands. He was also 10PBS specials and he was able to rise up to 250 dollars
for a public television.
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Wayne Dyer is the author of many meditation books and the well known ones are the Wisdom of the Ages, Manifest Your destiny and There’s Spiritual Solution to Every Problem. He had also other best sellers like the 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, Change Your Thoughts, Wishes Fulfilled with I can See Clearly Now. The best seller books were featured in the National Public Television specials.
Wayne Dyer was born and also grew in Michigan. He has a doctorate in the Educational counseling that he got from the Wayne State University. He was associate professor at the St John’s University in the New York. With his early work in the college teaching with clinical psychology, he was able to discover the self discovery principles. The first book that he has written is known as Your Erroneous Zones and it was published during the year 1976. It became the international bestseller which launched the career as a speaker and an author.
After writing many books about practical psychology for the self improvement, Dr Dyer started to feel a shift that made him to explore the human experience through his spiritual aspects. His purpose was to make the people to look at themselves and to start to shift the concept they had about who they are. He said that people can transform the world when they start to look at themselves as the human beings who do not have the label of religion, race or country.
Wayne Dyer had become to be known as the Father of Motivation. Even if a large of his biography is about how he spent his childhood in the foster homes or orphanage, he was able to overcome all these obstacles and reached to his dreams. Now he wants to show others how they are able to do the same. When he is not traveling around the world giving his uplifting words, he stays at his Maui Home where he swims with sea creature and waiting the visit of his grandchild and children.
Wayne Dyer had been in three marriages. With his first wife Judy, they had a daughter together called Tracy. The second wive, Susan Casselman was not able to give him children and the third wife Marcelene gave him five children. They separated with Marcelene after 20 years in the marriage. When Wayne Dyer was found to have the cancer, he decided having the unconventional surgery with John of God, healer. He said that he felt well after the surgery. John of God had been in Brazil that time, while Wayne was in Maui. The healing process includes hot yoga, meditation and daily exercises.
Last Modified: Apr 8, 2020
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