Charles Frazier Stanley was born in September 1932. He is
a senior pastor with First Baptist Church of the Northern Atlanta in
Georgia. He is a president and the
founder of In Touch Ministries. He
worked also for two years as a Southern Baptist Convention president from 1984
until 1986. He uses a dispensationalist and evangelical theology.
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Stanley’s place of birth is Dry Fork in Virginia and his father died when he was nine months. He grew up in the Dry Folk rural area and in the outskirts of the Danville. He become a born again Christian when he was 12 and he started to work for Christian ministry when he was 14. He got a degree of bachelor from the University of Richmond and he got a masters degree from the Southwestern Theological Seminary of Forth Worth in Texas. He got also masters with a doctorate degree in Theology from Luther Rice Seminary of Florida.
Charles Frazier Stanley become a staff of the First Baptist Church in Atlanta since 1969 and was made a senior pastor in 1971. When he became a pastor, he got a motivational book called Think and Grow Rich. He said that he started to apply the principles on the book and he discovered that they worked. He read the book at least every year to be reminded of the principles.
He launched a program on the television called The Chapel Hour and it was for half-hour. When he founded Touch Ministries in 1982 and its radio broadcast started to be syndicated. In 1980s, the broadcasts were found in each major American media market on Sunday.
By 2006, the sermons that were broadcasted under In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley and it were transmitted within 107 languages. Now it is aired in 50 languages. In United States, In Touch is being broadcasted in more than 500 radio stations, in 300 television stations and in many satellite networks. You can also find the same sermons in the website of In Touch. You can download them as podcast together with audio and video programming. The program has also a free magazine called In Touch. Besides of his devotion in the church, he is also a photographer and his photograph work has been featured In Touch magazine or in other materials printed by the ministry.
Charles Frazier Stanley divorced Anna, his wife in 2000 but they were separated for many years. The reason behind the divorce was a controversy in Southern Baptist Convention when he said that he is going to resign if he became a divorced man. During this period, he did not think that the separation may end up in the divorce. When the divorce took place, the members of FBA voted him to be a pastor. Depending on the bylaws of the church, he will be eligible to continue to be a pastor if he does not get married again. Anna was his wife for 40 years.
He has written daily devotional where people get the opportunity of talking to God and an example is Seeking His Face.
Last Modified: Mar 15, 2020
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