Ainsley Earhardt is known as an American journalist. She is most famous for being a co-host of Fox and Friends, a popular morning show on Fox News.
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Ainsley Earhardt was born on September 20, 1976 in Spartanburg, SC She was a top student in all her classes. Her formal education started when her parents enrolled her at Sharon Elementary School. This elementary school was also attended by famous people like Anna Kooiman and Heather Childers. These two would also eventually become on-air correspondents for Fox News like Ainsley. While in Sharon Elementary School, her family relocated to Columbia, South Carolina.
Ainsley graduated in 1995 from Spring Valley High School. While on leadership and academic scholarship program, she attended Florida State University and majored in biology. She was part of the Student Government and served as a Senator while at the Florida State. She was dead set on pursuing journalism as a career so she transferred from Florida State University to the University of South Carolina. In 1999, After graduation from the University of South Carolina, she was awarded a bachelor’s degree in Journalism.
During her college years, she was part of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority at the Florida State University and Beta Epsilon sorority at the University of Carolina. As a result of her leadership, character, and personality, she was awarded the Carolinian Creed Award and she was also selected as part of the University of Carolina’s Homecoming Court.
Marriage and Divorce
In 2005, Ainsley married Kevin Wayne McKinney. After having some problems in their relationship, they filed for divorce in 2007.
In 2012, Ainsley Earhardt got married to Will Proctor who was a former professional football player. In his youth, he played quarterback for the Clemson Tigers at Clemson University in the Atlantic Coast Conference. In addition, he also played for the Calgary Stampede of the Canadian Football League. She declared on her show, Fox and Friends that she was blessed to have a husband like Will Proctor. She even shared their wedding photos with viewers in the middle of the show. The couple went to an undisclosed location for a romantic getaway.
Career and Net Worth
Ainsley started out as a reporter for WLTX-News 19. This station was in Columbia, South Carolina and she got the job as a result of her being at the top of her class while in college. Between 2000 and 2004, her program was rated number one. She was an anchor during the morning and afternoon segments. The South Carolina Middle School students raised almost half of a million dollars for firefighters after the September 11 attacks and Ainsley went with them to New York to cover the event. That money was used to replace the fire truck that was destroyed at the World Trade Center.
Other big stories she covered was the earthquake in China and the deepwater horizon oil leak. She relocated to San Antonio in 2005. She was the newscaster for KENS-TV and her two programs were rated as the number one show. She did the Eyewitness News segment in the morning and she also did the one at noon.
During her time reporting for local news, she was selected by the viewers of the Metropolitan Magazine as the Personality of the Year. She was the receiver of an award from the University of South Carolina for the Young Alumni Award in 2007. Another award came her way from the School of Journalism and Mass Communication when she was awarded the honor of Outstanding Young Alumni.
Ainsley began working at Fox News in 2007 when she moved to New York. She became the host of her own personal segment called "Ainsley Across America".
Ally of Donald Trump
Elle Magazine wrote about how Ainsley is the representative of the group of white women who support Donald Trump, “Earhardt doesn’t reveal whom she voted for, but she serves, effectively, as an emissary for the 53 percent of white women who supported Trump in 2016. “There is a need to represent middle America, and I think we do that,” she told the AP in April. “With that comes the support of the president.” He’s appeared on the program four times since the election, more than on ABC, CBS, and NBC combined. In June of 2017, Trump and the First Lady did their first joint interview after the election with Earhardt. That same month, she also interviewed Ivanka Trump.”
Trump has reciprocated the support and has even supported Ainsley in his tweets, “In early May, Trump tweeted that Earhardt, “a truly great person, just wrote a wonderful book, The Light Within Me, which is doing really well…bring it to number one!” Four days later, at Books & Greetings, Earhardt begins signing books, greeting people with such warmth I assume at first they’re friends. “I love your yellow,” she says to one woman about her jacket. “That is so thoughtful of you,” she tells an older man. Earlier, I’d seen him near the back of the room, wearing aviator sunglasses and looking, I’d thought, a little sinister. But in her presence, his face relaxes and he smiles.”
It made sense why the two parties would support each other. Fox News has a conservative demographic to serve and always tries to cover Donald Trump in a positive light.
Last Modified: May 26, 2020
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