Diane Addonizio is known for being the wife of Howard Mathew Moses Long, a former great football player for the National Football League.
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Married Life With a Pro Football Player
Diane couldn’t have dreamed of having a more perfect husband. When a woman thinks about security and comfort, they think about a strong and confident man that can protect them from everything. She ended up marrying a man that is the pure definition of what a masculine man. Not only is her husband, Howie physically fit, he also has abilities that few men possess. He didn’t waste his size at all. He wasn’t just big for no reason. He was able to apply his strength and natural talents to excel at his passion.
If Howie was just an average man that did construction work, she would have still loved him because of his handsome features and caring heart but she was lucky that he was so much more. Instead of just settling for what he was born with, Howie worked hard to make something out of himself. Diane was attracted to his passion as much as she was to his body. She was drawn to him because he was willing to put himself out there and take risks to be great.
There isn’t any information about Diane’s previous dating life before she met Howie because she was not a public figure. She has also not mentioned anything about previous relationships in her interviews. She would be foolish to mention any of her previous lovers because she already has the greatest prize in Howie.
Howie and Diane have been married since 1982. With decades of married life, their relationship is still strong and there is no talk about divorce or anything like that. She knows that she has a great life and she wouldn’t do anything to change that.
Diane was also understanding of Howie’s situation and very sympathetic about the way he was brought up. A story on Puzzups featured a bit where Diane talked about she initially misunderstood something about Howie’s personality, “He didn’t send me a Valentine’s Day card when we first started going together. That upset me, and I told him so. Then he explained how holidays never meant anything special to him. At Villanova when everyone went home for the holidays or the summer he was always the guy who stayed in the dorms. You know how a child’s bed is special to him? Well, he never had his own. It was always a couch or something, while he was bouncing around from relative to relative. He was always living out of a suitcase, he always had his possessions on him. It took me awhile to understand that.”
Their relationship got stronger once Diane really started to realize what kind of man she married. He wasn’t a harsh man that didn’t care about special events, he was just someone that was learning how to love because he didn’t have that in the past.
Ups and Down in a Football Family
Diane and Howie have 3 beautiful children together. The first one, Christopher Howard was born in 1985. The second son, Kyle Howard was born in 1989 and the third child, Mathew Howard was born in 1990.
The first baby was a challenge but they did not want to give up on having more. Since Howie was often away from home because of his football career, raising their children had some tough times. Diane was often left home alone to raise the kids. She would miss Howie a lot and wish that he could stay home with her to watch the kids. She would cry whenever their children would ask where their dad was. The house would be so bright and full of laughter and fun whenever he came home during breaks. The mood would change when he would pack to leave because they knew that they wouldn’t see him for a long time.
Howie felt bad for leaving his wife and children alone. Diana tried to assure him that he shouldn’t worry because she married him and understood what she would have to deal with. Even though it didn’t make it any easier, she told him that she would support him in all of his decisions and be a good wife because all she cared about was that the children were happy and Howie were happy.
The three of them finished their college studies and went on to play professional football. Diana couldn’t be happier with how her boys turned out. At first she was worried because raising them almost alone was hard but Howie came through like he always does. When his football career ended, he was able to spend more time with the boys as they were growing up as teenagers. He made up for lost time and helped them as they tried to follow his footsteps.
Husband’s Career
Howie was born during the 60’s in the state of Massachusetts. He was raised in the city of Charlestown. He attended Milford High school when he was a child and he liked to play football ever since an early age. He used his pace and physique win over his opponents. He likes to play in the defensive role and after starting to play in Villanova University, he started to get a lot of attention. He started his NFL career in 1981 when he joined the Oakland Raiders.
Howie is very tall with a muscular body. He has enough stamina and fitness that allows him to survive within any football game. He is a regular member in the gym, he likes to work out at on a regular basis and he is very conscious when it comes to health factors and he eats well and rests for many hours. He is not the person to consume unhealthy items and he gets enough time for his body’s recovery by sleeping and resting.
As an elite player in the NFL, he was able to compete in the Super Bowl Championship and he was able to win different prestigious awards and which includes Defensive Lineman of the Year in 1985. Years.
Last Modified: Mar 13, 2020
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