This biography is of Clay walker, one of the most renowned artist established his own self immediately after the release of this two single, that ranked number one. So may artist came, so many went but he was able to sustain his success unlike other artists of mid-90s, with his songs that never racked below number 5 in a continuation. In total he has released 11 albums in which one of them consist of all of his greatest songs and one comprises of Christmas music.
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He was born on August 19,1969 in a farm present in Beaumont, TX as well as raised on the same place that is hometown of another personality George Jones too. The fire of music in him was sparked when he was just 9 years old due to the gift that he received from his father, a guitar. After perusing his graduation from high school, what he did whole life was music, and only music doing concerts across the Midwest, Canada and the south as well. He toured around for three years and took courses of music business from school as well when he endured himself as his own manager. In Beaumont at neon armadillo bar, he popped himself as the house singer. It was the time when James Stroud unwrapped the skills of walker by proposing him as a singer, when he heard him in the bar for the first time. With Stroud’s help, walker signed in with Giant records as a vocalist.
After that he released the number one songs of 1993, ‘what’s it to you’ followed by ‘live until I die’ with both featuring his debut career. Third song “Where do I fit in the picture” also became a grand success of his former album in 1994. His next song “white palace” didn’t cracker top 40s but then his another song “dreaming with my eyes open” popped up as number one again marking his debut album as gold. His second album wasn’t a success his third album, hypnotize the moon was. It was preceded by number one songs like "Who Needs You Baby”, “self portrait” and other. It was in 1998 when his great collections were collaborated in a single album “live, laugh, love”.
It was before first song’s release when he married Lori Jane (rodeo queen), with whom he had two daughters, MaClay DaLayne and Skylor ClayAnne. He had a divorce with hey in 2003 after which he married Jessica Craig on September 28, 2007 with his second wife he had three children, William Clayton, Mary Elizabeth and Elijah Craig.
It is not here where the story ends, part from being a great artist he is also a great person as a human being who participated and help large number of charities, like in 1996, he helped to spread awareness of multiple sclerosis. It was due to this and many other actions that led him to receive humanitarian award with sole resin being his charity in concerned with MS
Clay walker defines music industry as the most versatile industry.
Last Modified: Apr 7, 2020
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