Famous British – American television and film actress, dancer, producer, comedian, singer, screenwriter, author, and successful business woman Tracey Ullman was born on 30 of December 1959. She grew up in a wealthy family along with her older sister Patty. Her mother Dorin Ullman was a housewife and her father Antony John Ullman was retired polish soldier. Antony used to work at the numerous different works and his income allowed them to live as upper-middle class.
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Ullman’s parents recognized her talent in her early childhood and encouraged her to develop it. She participated in school plays and when her father died and her mother fell into depression Tracey tried to entertain her, making home plays, which she called Patti Ullman Show.
When Tracey Ullman was sixteen, she started to attend dancing classes. She showed outstanding results and hence she was offered a contract with German ballet company to play in Berlin. When she returned to England Tracey tried to continue her dancing career in London, but it was sharply interrupted after she emerged in her performance without an underwear.
Eventually BBC noticed her active participation in different shows and plays, and they asked her to join their comedy series Three of a Kind. This show made Tracey Ullman a famous actress in England, and she won British Academy Award for her role in projects of BBC.
The turning point was a creation her own show The Tracey Ullman Show, together with producer James L. Brooks in 1987. In this show Tracey played a numerous different characters, namely: Francesca, Sara Downey, Ceci Beckwith and many other. The show has lasted from April 5, 1987 and until May 26, 1990. During that time, The Tracey Ullman Show became second prime-time series after Married... with Children and won Emmy award three times (1989 and twice in 1990). In addition, this show gave a start to well-known animated series The Simpsons.
Tracey Ullman also tried herself as a singer. In 1983, she released her first album “You Broke My Heart In 17 Places” with and single Breakaway where she sang with the hairbrush instead of microphone. The music video of Breakaway is available on the YouTube. First album was very successful and in two years, she had eight her songs in UK Top 100.
As for her financial state, she has an incredible fortune. Her net worth estimates to be 115 million dollars. This money consisted of a variety of incomes from her different projects, including her actress, dancing and singing career, participation in more than 30 TV shows, series and 25 films.
Her personal life was not reckless, it was rather smooth and dedicated. Her first and only husband was a producer Allan McKeown. They married on 27 December 1983 and have stayed in marriage for thirty years, until Allan died on 24 December 2013 from prostate cancer. She has two adult children: Mabel and Johnny. Johnny decided to follow the mother’s way and to become an actor.
Last Modified: Apr 7, 2020
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