Stephen Bishop is Earl Stephen Bishop and he was born in the year 1951. He is an American song writer, singer, guitarist and actor. He is known for different hits like On and On, Save It For a Rainy Day and It Might Be You. He appeared or contributed to many musical and to many motions pictures such as Animal House of National Lampoon.
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Bishop was born and also grew up in San Diego in California. He attended Will C Crawford High School and he was Clarinetist before. When he saw the Beatles while playing at The Ed Sullivan Show, he asked his brother to get him the guitar. In the year 1967, he brought together his first band called the Weeds and it was based mostly on the British Invasion-Styled band.
When Weed folded, he moved to the city of Los Angles were he wanted to become a solo musician. He passed eight years where he was being rejected by each label and every producer but he continued writing the songs and he was getting 50 dollars each week form publishing house.
Stephen Bishop got a break when Leah Kunkel who was his friend, showed Art Garfunkel his demo cassettes. Garfunkel chose to record two of his songs: Looking for The Right One with The Same Old Tears on A New Background. He recorded platinum album known as Breakaway. With the patronage of Garunkel, he was able to get a recording contract with the ABC Records in the year 1976.
For his recording career, his first album was called Careless and it includes two of his best hits. The first single which got released was Save it for a Rainy Day, it introduced Bishop to listening public and it reached the no 22 at the Billboard Single chart. The next song called On and On reached no 11 and the album rose to number 34 at the billboard.
Stephen Bishop is actor and she appeared in different motion pictures which included four movies by John Landis who was a director. He had a cameo role in the movie The Kentucky Friend Movie and was billed like Charming guy. He was a hustler in the movie called Catholic High School Girls in Trouble. He appeared in National Lampoon’s Animal House where he was the Charming Guy with Guitar. He played as a folk singer who had the guitar smashed by John Belushi. He still keeps the guitar like memento. It is not clear if they were married or not or if they had children but she lived with Karen Allen who was an actress. His song called Separate lives become US number one for Phil Collins together with Marilyn Martin. He sang the song because of the breakup with Karen. His net worth is estimated to be over 3 millions.
Last Modified: Apr 9, 2020
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