Lonnie Quinn’s name came to fame ever since he started anchoring on WCBS-TV in New York City being the station’s lead weather anchor – a position he embraces. However, prior to that, he also anchored weather sessions on CBS This Morning Saturday. Currently, Quinn makes frequent appearances on WCBS-AM 880 where he does weather reports as well. In the 1990’s, Quinn was featured in several TV shows before he commenced weather anchoring.
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Personal Life
Lonnie Quinn, a Caucasian male, was born in 1963, in Cheshire, Connecticut, United States of America. Quinn was born in a family of 6 brothers and sisters. During his earlier years, the thought of him becoming a successful weather anchor never crossed his mind. However, that should not be mistakenly taken to assume that he wasn’t quite smart. As a matter of fact, he got an admission to the highly esteemed Boston University yet the institution’s admission rate at that time was only 29%, showing how brilliant of a student Quinn was.
From the University, Quinn attained a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication. Moreover, while at the University, he was part of the University’s swim team, which illustrates how a man of diverse talents, Quinn is. In addition to his Bachelor’s Degree, Quinn is as well a holder of a Certificate in Meteorology, which, to be more precise, is a Federal Aviation Administration Certificate. He considers meteorology as his field of interest and works extensively to elevate his meteorology-related skills.
Quinn’s salary is unknown since CBS fails to publish such reports about their employees. Also, the public domain contains no information of Quinn’s net worth. According to his biography, Quinn is married to Sharon Quinn; she has been his wife since 2000. Lonnie and Sharon, together, have one baby named Savannah Quinn. The child is said to be the greatest source of happiness in their marital life as they anticipate more children. His twitter handle has been active ever since he joined the platform in 2011. He has over 3990 tweets to date with his number of followers increasing by the day.
Quinn has 14 Emmy’s to his name after a fierce fight for the “Best Weather Anchor” status. Also, he was awarded an Emmy for “Best on Air Talent.” Apart from these accolades, he is as well famous for his Hurricanes coverage and has jointly worked with the former Director of National Hurricane Centre, Max Mayfield during a predominant Hurricanes season in the United States of America. In 2011, Quinn’s name again came on the scene after he introduced the Hurricane Irene, detailed and carefully worded Hurricanes coverage.
In 2014, Quinn accrued significant media attention following the Fox’s Media Buzz incident where he was alleged to plagiarize some wordings on a specific lightning strike report. According to the accusations raged against him, Quinn was said to copy the wordings of a local TV station in California. This incident was a major blow as it relates to Quinn’s career reputation; however, the surety of these allegations remains unknown.
Last Modified: Nov 15, 2020
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