Gwen Ifill’s full name is Gwendolyn L Ifill and was born in the year 1995. She is a journalist, author, newscaster of American Nationality. She is the managing editor and moderator for Washington Week and she is a co-managing editor and co-anchor of PBS NewsHour with Judy Woodruff. She works as a political analyst and she moderated the vice presidential debate of 2004 and of 2008. She is an author for a book called The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama.
Gwen Ifill was born in the New York City and she is the fifth child to an African Methodist Episcopal Minister called Urcille Ifill Sr. He is a Panamian and he emigrated from Panama. Because of the Ministry of her father, she had to live in different cities from Eastern Seaboard to New England when she was still young. While growing up, she lived in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania church parsonage or in the subsidized housing of New York City and Buffalo. She graduated in the year 1977 and she got a Bachelor of Arts in the Communications from the Massachusetts’s Simmons College.
When she was still in a college, Gwen Ifill was an intern of Boston Herald-American and she was hired after the graduation by its editors because they got embarrassed when there was an incident in her internship and someone had written, Nigger Go Home. Afterwards, she worked Baltimore Evening Sun, The Washington Post, New York Time and the NBC.
In 1999, she started to work like a moderator for the PBS program for Washington Week in Review. She works also like a senior correspondent for PBS NewsHour. Ifill had appeared on different news shows which included Meet the Press.
She served on a board of Harvard Institute of Politics, Museums of Television and Radio, Committee to Protect Journalists and University of Maryland’s Philip Merril College of Journalism.
In the year 2011, she was made to be an Honorary Member of the Delta Sigma Theta in the year 22nd Annual Delta Days’ Sorority. Together with Kaitlyn Adkins, she co-hosted the show Jamestown Live which commemorated its 400th anniversary.
The ombudsman of PBS, Michael Getler has said that he got two letters that complained about the bias in the news coverage of Ifill. The complaint was that she was not enthusiastic during the speech of Sarah Palin for the 2008 Republican National Convention. The ombudsman dismissed the complaint and he said the Ifill looked solid which was her central role. In 2013, NewsHour said that Judy Woodruff and Gwen Ifill will be co-anchors and co-managing editors. They do share the anchor duties from Monday to Thursday, while Woodruff anchors alone on Fridays.
Her book, The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in The Age of Obama which was released in 2009, she talks about different African American politicians like Barack Obama, Cory Booker and Deval Patrick among others.
Last Modified: Apr 8, 2020
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