Bio and Age Kody Brown is an American TV personality. Kody appeared on an American TV reality show which got him more recognition than ever and brought him a lot of fortune.

 Kody Brown Personal Life and Family

Kody Brown was born to Genielle and William Brown in the United States on the 16th of June in the year 1969. Kody’s full name is Kody Wynn Brown. Kody’s biography contains some information about his family. His father, William Brown had 3 wives and was blessed with ten children including Kody Brown. The information about Kody’s parents’ profession and his siblings are not known. There is no record of Brown’s early childhood and any qualifications. There is a website dedicated to the Kody Brown Family

Kody Brown Marrried, Divorced and Dating Life

Kody, like his father, has more than one wife, at the same time. Kody got married 4 times. Kody met his first wife Meri Berber in the year 1989. Kody and Meri got married in April in the year 1990. The couple was blessed with a baby daughter in the year 1995 who was named Mariah. Kody‘s second wife Janelle was a friend of his first wife Meri. Kody and Janelle first met after Kody’s engagement to Meri. Brown and Janelle became friends and their friendship kept on growing with the passing time.

Kody got married to Janelle in the year 1993. This was Brown's second marriage. Kody and Janelle have 6 children together. Brown’s third marriage was in the year 1994. Before getting into a matrimonial relationship, Kody and his third wife Christine were friends. Christine developed feelings for Kody and expressed her intention of marriage. Kody and Christine got married on 25th March in the year 1994.

This was Brown's third marriage in the past five years. Kody and Christine also have 6 children together. It was the year 2009 when Brown met a single mom, Robyn, of three children at a church. Kody and Robyn were spiritually married in the year 2010. Kody and Robyn together have 2 children. Brown has a total of 15 children with his 4 wives and 3 stepchildren from her 4th wife’s previous marriage. He also went through a divorce with his first wife Meri in 2014.

Kody Brown Professional Career Path, Awards and Net Worth

Before becoming a TV reality star, Kody Brown was a salesman. There is not much information available about his career as a salesman. He became a TV reality star in the year 2010. Because of his lifestyle with his 4 wives, Kody got the attention of the entertainment industry. Kody appeared on a TCL new series named “Sister Wives” along with his family. This show highlighted his lifestyle with a large family, including 4 wives. This reality show ran for 2 seasons and brought Kody a lot of recognition and fortune. This recognition brought him the opportunity to appear on other reality shows as well. Brown now lives with his family in Las Vegas.

There is no record of any awards in his name. As of now, Kody’s net worth is estimated to be around 800 thousand dollars. Kody is very active on social media and posts updates on Twitter and Instagram, often.

Last Modified: Mar 6, 2020

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