Keisha Chambers was born in London to her Irish parents. She was the youngest daughter of her parents and had two elder brothers. She was pampered a lot for being the youngest sibling among the three and while growing up, she was known to be quite mischievous. She belonged from a middle class family and both her parents worked at a private shop. They earned enough just to provide their children with better living and educational facilities.
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Keisha could not enjoy all the luxuries and pleasures of life due to the lack of money. Her brothers started earning from an early age after her elder brother was dropped out from the school. Her parents could not pay the fees of the three children and that was the reason that her brother was dropped out.
Keisha completed her high school education as her brother funded her education expenses. She had a love for the glamour industry from the early childhood and wanted to be a part of it. But due to the lack of money, she could not afford such a passion. She had a dark complexion due to which she was teased by her friends. It was the main reason that she gave up on her passion for modelling. She thought that she would receive such comments and would not survive in the industry. She wanted to stay connected with the glamour industry so she took up a job at a modelling agency. She used to serve there as a grooming teacher and trained the models.
Keisha Chambers met her husband in this modelling agency. He was a very popular model and she used to take care of his schedules. She served as his personal assistant at the agency. They used to spend a lot of time with each other, and this was when they discovered their love for each other. They initially kept their relationship a secret from the other people. They dated each other for a quite long time and developed a very strong bond.
Her biography states that the relationship became one of the most controversial topics of the media after they announced it, one of the reasons why they wanted to keep the entire fiasco, a secret. The couple was spotted at many places and this was the first time she came in the focus of the camera. To put an end to the controversy of the media, they got married. Though they wanted to keep the marriage a secret but the media came to know about this. The social media was filled with their pictures and good wishes.
She detached herself from the glamour industry after her marriage. She has also said in an interview that she wants to impart the role as a homemaker in her marital life. She has come a long way from her career and has developed new hobbies. She prefers to spend most of the time with her husband and her children. She is very much dedicated towards her family life and plays the role of a wife as well as a mother effectively.
Last Modified: Mar 7, 2020
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