Elizabeth Tilson, a native of America was born in December of 1960. She attended Southern Connecticut State University where she earned her bachelors in Journalism. After several attempts, her career landed in the Broadcast Industry and she became the first producer to be hired by CNBC, and she was a part of a 3-person team responsible for launching the network in April 1989. She later became Vice President of Programming at America's Talking, the predecessor to MSNB.
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Elizabeth married Fox CEO Roger Ailes on February 14, 1998, and they had a son Zachary that was born at the start of the millennium. Elizabeth made huge sacrifices for her son and husband, and that being her career in 1996. She was a 20-year veteran of NBC News, CNBC, and America's Talking.
At 55 years old, she stayed busy being a homemaker when her husband was running the huge network. They resided in a hilltop home made of Adirondack River Stone. In 2008, they bought "The Putnam County News and Recorder" in which Elizabeth was the paper's publisher. They also bought the local Putnam County Courier in 2009 and she is a publisher there. She also attended Mount Saint Marys College and earned a Doctor of letters. In addition to the newspapers' strong civic involvement, their charitable efforts included scholarships for worthy local students.
Despite all the allegations of her husband infidelity with Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson and another six other women, she stayed loyal to her husband. Even with all the lawsuits she uttered faith to Ailes and denied any such allegations to be true. He resigned on July 21, 2016, it was resign or get fired, and he died a year later at age 77.
Elizabeth Tilson's net worth is not known in the media but it is assumed that her net worth is in the millions.
Last Modified: Mar 8, 2020
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