Jeannine Edwards

Jeanine Edwards is a sportscaster of ESPN/ABC and she is known because of the sideline interviews for the college basketball coaches. With her experience in the sports-casting expertise in the college football, college basketball and horse racing, she became the most viewed sportscaster in the entire history of the EPSN. She is also known to be the reason why, one of the ESPN announcer was terminated. It was said that Ron had attacked Jeanine using a sexist comment when there was a conversation in the meeting of a pre-game production. During this meeting, Ed Cunningham with Rod Gilmore was also present. It was said that Ron attacked Jeanine verbally when he joined in the conversation that they were having about Rod’s wife.

ESPN is still being praised because he fired an experienced announcer Ron because of this inappropriate act.  However, it is said that Jeanine did not report about the incident and she continued the meeting without a problem which makes people to think that she should have protected herself. Before ESPN was able to settle the issue, it got to the public and it was viral.  The colleagues of Jeanine also reported about it and there was no option for ESPN than to fire him.

Jeanine Edwards was born in 1964 in New Jersey, a place called Tenafly. She was interested into the horses when she was still young and she made up her mind for racing in the racetracks like a jockey before she was even a teen. It was not an easy decision to try to make a career as a jockey since few women are known to have done it.  Jeanine was not interested into the recognition, grand success or money but the only thing he wanted was to stick to her hobby and this was to ride a horse.

ESPN offered Jeanine to join the station in 1995 to be a horse racing analyst since she had a huge knowledge about the horse racing and on-tack experience.  Jeanine agreed to the proposal since the job was about horse racing.  Being analyst for horse racing was not that hard for Jeanine since she was already a professional jockey while she also trained people for a long period and the only difference was that she was asked to talk about the horses at the screen.  In 2000, ESPN decided to make her a reporter for general assignment because of the experience she had in the women sports.  In addition of being a horse racing analyst, good communication skills, she had also knowledge in other sports like football and basketball.  She improved her knowledge about other sports when she was a reporter and ESPN asked her to be a sideline reporter of college basketball with College football.

Last Modified: Apr 8, 2020

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