Enrique Ricardo Murciano was born on July 9, 1973. Marciano went to Christopher Columbus High School for the finish of direction. Having American nationality his ethnicity having a place is white. His father was artist and mother were working in a close-by radio station. Amid the age, while he was 10 years of age, his folks kicked separation and he off living with his mom. He alway dreamt of becoming an actor when he was a kid, as he has revealed in his interview.
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His first movie was Traffic which was released in 2001. In this movie he played the role of Franceso Torres. He also did a show called Spider Games on MTV. He started doing small roles here and there. A year later he got a role in the movie The Black Hawk Down. This was a thriller movie and was very well recieved at the box office. On the sets of that movie he met the famous director Jerry Bruckeimer. He offered him a role in his next show Without A Trace. This TV show changed his life for the good. The show's main plot was cenetered around life of a detective who lived in New York. This show was so famous that the producers had to keep it running for seven seasons. This show got many awards for its story as well as to the actors that were involved in the movie.
Ricardo was in association with Lily Cole in the year 2008 until the year 2011. In spite of the fact that there were undesirable stories of him getting married to her yet, the reality did not turn genuine by any stretch of the imagination. Essentially, in past time he was additionally having Molly Sims as his wife for one year of time from 2002. The purpose for their detachment is not known anyway; they are seen in broad daylight occasions over and over. They broke up and took divorce after which Murciano has been single.
Murciano is not wedded now but rather there are a number of famous people who are guaranteeing of him engaging in extramarital relations. Be that as it may, he on the opposite side states, he is hunting down an immaculate woman whom he can demonstrate as his better half and be his kid for a lifetime. He has acquired his new house New York City and soon wanting to move over yonder. Murciano is not into any undesirable stories that damage his picture and keep in the discussion. Being religious in nature he has the incredible confidence to god. Some of the time he feels being single is too alone however then again he supposes being into undesirable and fake responsibility is obviously better than being single. He adores perusing books in relaxation period and romantic tales are his most loved in a rundown.
The height of this shrewd superstar is 6 feet 1 inches tall and weight appears dealt with stature. His fan followings are expanding in proportion into Instagram. He is very active social media user and updates his pages time and time again. He can be followed on Twitter as well as Facebook in addition to Instagram. In current stage, his net worth and compensation are likewise expanding altogether. With most recent computation it is assessed to associate with 5 million American dollars and some segment are been given for social philanthropy reached with growth casualties.
Last Modified: Apr 6, 2020
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