Victoria Spader’s name hit the airwaves as a result of her previous marriage to her ex-husband James Todd Spader, an Emmy award-winning actor. She is a set decorator and mother of two of Spader’s children.
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Victoria Spader was born as Victoria Elizabeth Kheel on the 1st of June. She goes by the nickname, Vicky and has an average height for a woman at 5 foot 4 inches. Victoria’s last name Kheel is derived from her mother’s maiden name, Lee Kheel.
Previous Marriage to a Hollywood Star
During the period of when she was the wife to James Spader, Victoria became the mother to two cute children and has not had other children ever since their divorce. Victoria’s two children are named Elijah Spader and Sebastian Spader. Their last names were taken from their father, Spader.
Although Victoria’s and James’ relationship has been mainly characterized by the subject of their divorce, one of the most fascinating facts about them is that they dated for a period of 11 years. They were a loving couple until making the ultimate decision of getting married. However, this makes the news of the divorce comes as a shocker since such a long dating period would have suggested that the couple would have created a bond and intimacy level that was profound and unbreakable. But love is mysterious and can end as quickly as it started.
The Profile of a Famous Ex Husband
Since Victoria Spader’s history cannot be told without the mention of her famous ex-husband, James Todd Spader, it is important to disclose his background. James Spader was born in 1960 and is the son of two teachers, Stoddard Greenwood and Jean Fraser. Despite being brought up by parents who were teachers in the prestigious Phillips Academy, James dropped out of high school while at eleventh grade. It was shocking to their friends and family that the son of teachers would be a drop out but James had no interest in finishing school. After he dropped out, he bused tables, taught yoga and shoveled manure. These were all jobs he had to do before he started his acting career.
In an interview Radio Times, Victoria’s ex-husband spoke about their children and his motivation behind his acting choices. When it comes to the topic of children, James said, “My home life is certainly busy. I had a seven-year-old son, Nathaneal, with Leslie Stefanson, my co-star on the 2003 film Alien Hunter. I have two 20-something boys, Sebastian and Elijah from my previous marriage to set decorator Victoria Kheel. I don’t want any more kids because I believe in negative population growth.”
Even though James covered his disinterest in having more children with an altruistic reason, most of the media speculates that he doesn’t want any more children because his relationships with women seem to always have more trouble than it’s worth. He is a very dedicated actor and would rather have a stress free life than doesn’t interfere with his career.
On his popular show, Blacklist, the creator of the show Jon Bokenkamp thinks that James deserves a lot of credit for the show’s success, “Look, he’s a weird dude but he’s brilliant. He has an incredibly unique sense of humor, he can be incredibly menacing and he’s not afraid to take risks. He has brought the character to life in ways I didn’t imagine.”
The creators of the show had an image of the lead character in mind but James put his own twist on it that really brought the character to life according to Bokenkamp, “He’s funnier and a little weirder than I’d originally imagined, I was going for more straight- 70s-thriller dark bad guy. Certain lines he adjusts. Red’s voice is a combination of the writer’s room and his own special source. You can write a line but when you hear him say it you think, ‘Wow, that sounds cooler than it did when we wrote it.’”
James likes to be part of the creative process. Even though he can just sit back, he prefers to be involved with his projects, “I try and inject humor when I can within the script. I’m trying to do something that’s appropriate for the story and the character. I don’t know whether Reddington has the same sense of humor as I have. I don’t really think about myself when I’m working.”
James doesn’t really care about how his characters relate or don’t relate to him. He already has a very full and important life outside of work. He doesn’t really need fulfilment in his life from work so he doesn’t get overly concerned with it. His work is just what he does to earn a living, it is not his inner source of identity.
Due to the great heights Victoria’s ex-husband, James Spader has reached his career credentials overtake those of Vanessa Spader who was just a set decorator. James first major breakthrough in regards to playing film roles came at a time when he starred in Endless Love, a romance drama. In the film, he played the brother of Brooke Shield. He again played the scoundrel in Brat Pack Films, which marked his graduation from television movies and into feature cinema.
He played the sexual voyeur in Sex, Lies, and Videotape. Under the role of a sexual voyeur, he complicates the lives of certain Baton Rouge residents. However, his most renowned role was on The Practice, a television series in which he was featured as Alan Shore a colorful attorney. He was also in another court drama called Boston Legal in 2004.
With a $10 million net worth, James Spader has three Emmy Awards to his name. He won the awards for his excellent performances in “Boston Legal” and “The Practice”. He is a much respected actor that first started getting big in the 1980s. Unlike many of his peers from the 80s who went away, he continued to stay relevant in the acting industry by being careful with his career choices. He choose the best roles that fit him naturally.
Last Modified: Mar 11, 2020
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