Ron Fortner

 Ron Fortner’s Bio

Ron Fortner was born on October 12, 1941, in Poteau, Oklahoma. Ron is a known American broadcaster in radio and television.

Ron died of cancer on February 7, 2003.


Is Ron Married or has a Wife and Child?

The details about his marriage and wife’s name were not disclosed. Ron has a son Blaise Alejandro Fortner who was then 13 when Ron died of cancer.


Ron’s Career and the Figure of His Net Worth

Ron was a broadcaster for thirty years in news channels based in San Diego and San Francisco along with Michael Tuck, also a veteran newscaster in California. Michael was his close friend. When Ron died, he helped raise fund to support his son’s college. Michael witnessed the tough times Ron had been through when he was fighting cancer, and he wanted to help though helping his son go to college.


Ron’s reporting career started in San Diego Televisions including XETV-TV Channel 6. The broadcaster later had a radio talk show in KNSD-39. Ron and Michael Tuck anchored on San Francisco's KTVU-2, for The Tuck and Fortner Report.

Ron then decided to move to Palm Springs, a desert resort City in California. He concentrated in doing the radio broadcasting as a conservative host on KNWZ’s The Ron Fortner Show. The station got a poor rating, so he moved to KESQ. Ron then transferred to work for KGAM Palm Spring, and the station’s national show host.


Last Modified: Mar 5, 2020

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